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Main Anmol / میں انمول (Me Anmol)

Original price was: ₨2,500.00.Current price is: ₨1,745.00.


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Short Description

A unique story of Main Anmol Novel By Nimra Ahmad is loved by people who yearn to be the owners of a healthy, attractive, and confident character but who feel insecure inside and confront regrets from earlier times.

They feel that they do not have any particular talent. In the past, they have had no friends nor anyone who valued them. They are not well off, and they are unhappy and forlorn inside.

The writer has been attempting to awaken those who are far from themselves and those that don’t care for themselves.

Those who haven’t taken the time to become acquainted with themselves want to be their own heroes, but don’t know how to attain this goal. They need to feel respected and have people in society who love and honor them, but don’t know how to accomplish this.

For social interactions, there is no better book than this for the younger generation. If you like Urdu stories, be sure to read this novel.