جو زمین سے نہیں ہوتا وہ آسمان سے ہوتا یقین رکھیں، ضرور ہوتا ہے۔
The word Ummul Yaqeen means “یقین سے بڑھ کر یقین”
This novel has two incredible stories of Huda and Dabisa. The stories were moving simultaneously but both were based on having complete trust in Allah. It ensures that Yaqeen has the power to make everything possible. Some lines were remarkable and the writing style is appreciable.
زمین والوں پر کبھی آسمان والے نے ظلم نہیں کیا….زمین والوں پر ہمیشہ زمین والے نے ہی ظلم کیا ہے